For doctors
For trusts
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Cloud based rota management

Rotas made simple
for healthcare 

RotaPal is your best friend for building and managing rotas, reducing the hassle of back-and-forth messages and time consuming paper work so you can do more of what matters.

Cloud based rota management

Rotas made simple
for healthcare 

RotaPal is your best friend for building and managing rotas, reducing the hassle of back-and-forth messages and time consuming paper work so you can do more of what matters.

For doctors, by doctors

Life’s work, balanced

RotaPal was built for doctors, by doctors to help make the stress and hassle of rota management more... manageable.

Less admin

Realtime updates on one platform means less time-consuming spreadsheets and email threads

More time

Taking control of your rota management gives back hours to you and your colleagues

Less stress

RotaPal creates space to make time for what matters most to you. 

Complete visibility

Stay covered, with 24/7, 365 days a year connectivity.

Instantly access who you are on-call with and contact them at the touch of a button, without delay.

With key identifier icons, effortlessly view when, what type of shift and who you are working with at any time.

Rota Builder

One platform,  facilitating live 
rota planning.

Create or upload on-call or shift pattern rotas and roll-out methodically in just a matter of minutes. Share and collaborate with teams and staff to keep everyone up-to-date in real time.

Swap management

Swap shifts easily
in real time

Send or receive shift swap requests, accept or decline instantaneously. Stay up-to-date with a live feed of any swaps or shift transfers within your rota’s activity log.

Leave management

Seamlessly plan and manage leave

Revolutionise how you and your colleagues plan leave with RotaPal’s traffic light calendar. Outline transparent parameters and provide users with instant access to the viability of any request.

Who can use RotaPal?

Perfect for teams or individuals


Simplify planning with your own personal shift management calendar. Build templates, add events, and take control of your rota.

RotaPal Teams

For you and your team. Build templates, swaps shifts, plan leave. RotaPal Teams keeps you and your colleagues up-to-date, always.

RotaPal Plus for trusts

The complete network
solution for trusts

We know managing a rota isn’t just about those working within it, that’s why we’ve developed RotaPal Plus, a connected suite of services that keep the whole ecosystem truly connected in realtime.


Access a real-time view of the hospital, at any time. Smart Search offers quick and efficient access to any desired specialty, rota or individual within the organisation.

Locum Management

Capture, promote and track the status of all locum shifts, receive notifications of filled and pending shifts, all in one place.

A&E Vision

Ensure proficiency in any emergency with direct and instant access to an accurate live view of the doctors on-call in every specialty throughout the hospital.

Book a demo
How to get started

Rota management made easier in three simple steps

RotaPal was built for doctors, by doctors to help make the stress and hassle of rota management more... manageable.



Download the app from Apple Store of Google Play directly to your device.


Watch demo

Watch our step-by-step tutorials on how to get the most from RotaPal.


Get started 

Start using RotaPal as an individual or invite teams to join and collaborate with.

Book a demo

It is clear that RotaPal has been developed from a clinical understanding of the issues that exist. Having the ability to quickly access who's on-call or make a request, has ensured there is now far greater accessibility and connectivity across the team each day.

Mr. Martin King
SpR, General Surgery.
President, Association of Surgeons in Training

RotaPal has transformed the way we manage our shifts in the department. Via the app, you can immediately see who is on call for the day, what the rest of your team is working and your personal weekly planner. As a rota coordinator, the system notifies you of leave requests and swaps which saves so much time with repeated emails. I would definitely recommend it to any medical or surgical team managing different rotas.

Miss Anna Rose
Clinical Fellow
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

I wanted to let you know how good my experience has been with Rotapal. As rota organiser I asked if it would be possible to build a rota through RotaPal. A rolling rota was created overnight and all that was left to do was editing to spread the bank holidays across the team. Customer support has been exceptional and the App is simple to use. My only regret is the time I wasted in manually constructing and updating the rota in spreadsheet format prior to 2023.

Ms Carolyn Geddis
Consultant Surgeon
Trauma and Orthopaedics
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